Sunday, August 26, 2012

Medical Science

Wow, there have been a LOT of different stories in the media as of late! One article discussed the connection between older dads & children developing Autism, and another that has really caught my attention discussed a clinical trial that is being done to test the possibility of treating (curing) Autism through the use of cord blood. Did anyone else read about that?

From what I understand after reading the article....apparently scientists have found what they believe is a form of treatment/cure using cord blood. You know, the stuff they try to convince you to "bank" when your child is born? This clinical trial has been given approval by the FDA from what I understand, and at the moment is focused on kids who developed Autism due to some other something "environmental" or an infection, and not due to an obvious genetic link. The child would be given an infusion to redirect the nervous system cells, which in theory would basically cause their nervous system to "reprogram" itself. Then the child would be observed for a certain amount of time (say 6 weeks or so) to see if there are any improvements and if so, whether or not an additional infusion of cord blood cells would be needed.

Since this article came out, the Autism groups I visit have been burning up on this topic....people have gone back and forth over it. Some folks say they would never try to "cure" their child, others are excited about the possibility. What do I think? Well to be honest, at this point I'm not sure. From what I understand after reading the article, the focus is only on a small select group....and since they aren't looking at this for kids who may have a genetic link or marker, the possibility that this could work for someone like my son is slim at the moment....although I know in my heart that the duplicate immunizations were the trigger that started this whole journey, I can't ignore the fact that there could be some type of genetic link since he has a cousin on hubby's side who is also on the spectrum.

Thus the reason for this question for all parents who have a child on the spectrum:  IF medical science could find a way to not only treat, but possibly cure your child's Autism....would you give it a try? Of course there are a lot of things to consider....would your child qualify for whatever the treatment may be due to how their Autism developed (is there a possible genetic link?)? Or would you be told "sorry, this won't work for your kid because of....blah blah blah"? Also, would this treatment be something that health insurance would help cover the cost of, or would you be paying thousands if not more out of pocket? I mean, if you think about it....IF this is something that could work, just imagine what the cost would be!

The other question that came to mind while reading the article...."What about the kids who's parents didn't have their cord blood banked/saved when they were born? Are those kids just out of luck?" From what the article said, for this study/trial they are using the child's own cord blood, but will also look at using cord blood from a sibling -- one with the same blood type, and the possibility of "donor" cord blood -- just like how people can donate regular blood for people who have surgery, transfusions, etc. So the parents who didn't have their child's cord blood banked/saved wouldn't be told "sorry, you get nothing".....they'd still have a chance to go for this procedure.

Of course that leads me back to the original question.....if all of the "what if" things weren't a factor, if the cost and insurance weren't an issue, etc. would you opt for this cure/treatment for your child? Someone asked me that after I mentioned the article....and to be honest, I don't know what my response would be. On one hand, I've always said that God allowed Taz to develop Autism for a reason, and I love him just the way he is. By opting for this cure/treatment, would I be telling my son -- "nope sorry, I changed my mind, you aren't perfect but you will be after this."  -- would that be the message I'd be sending him? And just how much would he change? Would he still be the sweet, sensitive, funny young man that he is now? What if he became a completely different person -- of course he'd still be my son, but he wouldn't be Taz -- know what I mean?

Yet on the other hand, I've always said that if there is something out there (aside from meds) that can help him to function the best way possible and to have the best life possible....I will move heaven and earth to make it happen and give him the very best chance at a happy "normal" life. So if that's the case, then don't I owe it to him to check into this "study" more, and follow up on whatever information the medical field puts out regarding the results? And if the treatment became available, then wouldn't I owe it to him to give it a try?

This is the debate that has gone on inside of my head since I've read the article.....thinking about all of the "what if?" stuff. To be honest, it's torn me up inside....and I haven't slept well. I wish I could be like other parents who are so full of hope and who have responded to the question with a "hell yes, we'd do it in a heartbeat!" type of response....but I just don't know. I think back to all of the different meds he's been on over the years, how we tried the GCF diet and a few other things.....none of which made a difference or helped him in any way. I think about other parents who grasp at straws, trying every possible treatment no matter how bizarre they may the one that puts them into a machine to change their oxygen level (like that thing MJ used to sleep in).....and I know I don't want to be one of those types of parent.....I don't want to spend life grasping at straws and waiting for the "rainmaker" to come along with some miracle. Yet at the same time, don't I owe it to him to check into something like this and follow the case study & reports? And if by some chance this really does develop into some type of treatment/cure for Autism.....don't I owe it to Taz to check into it more? I honestly don't know how I feel at this point....

One parent remarked with "if your child had cancer, you'd fight tooth and nail for a treatment and do everything possible for them." -- which is true -- if Taz or any of our kids had cancer, I'd move heaven and earth to do what ever I could to make sure it was cured. If he needed a bone marrow transplant, I'd move heaven and earth for that to happen....I'd give him my own marrow, hell I'd give him a kidney, lung, etc too if needed. But Autism isn't Cancer....he won't die from Autism. So I guess when it comes to the question: "If there was a cure for Autism, would you have your child tested and treated so they could be cured?" -- honestly, at this point in time I don't know how I'd respond to that question. I guess that is a bridge we will cross when and if we ever come to it.

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