Friday, March 8, 2013


Hi peeps,

yes I know, long time since the last post. I'm not going to bother with the explainations, cause folks who deal with Autism know that life can be hectic and sometimes things like "keeping up with the blog" take a back seat to other priorities. I honestly have no clue how other Autism parents manage to do a daily blog....there just aren't enough hours in my day!

Well not a lot to say today, just wanted to check in with ya all. We're still hanging in there, have had our good days and bad days. Taz's behavior issues have improved somewhat since the meeting we had....the teacher made a few changes and he is now on a bus that has an aide which is a good thing. Of course I won't develop a false sense of security, cause as we all know -- it only takes one little thing to throw these kids off or mess up their schedule/routine, and then all hell breaks loose.

Over the past month we've all been sick with the flu "crud" among other stuff like regular colds, ear infection, & sinus issues....I'm really getting sick of this weird winter weather! It's cold & snowing one day, then sunny and warm enough to cook out on the grill the next! Needless to say, constant changes in the weather have played hell on my sinuses and are partly to blame for Taz being off at times. Toss in a few growth spurts, the asteroid/comets buzzing by the earth, snow days, a full moon, and now the upcoming "spring ahead" time change....suffice to say, I keep asking myself "what else can throw this kid off of schedule?" Sheesh!

Well that's about it for now....boring I know, sorry about that. I'll try to catch up more later and post something that folks might actually find useful and/or helpful.