Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's Next?

So....where do we go from here? I know it's been almost a month since my last blog entry....sorry about that. This time of year is super crazy with all of the school events, field trips, etc taking place plus it's IEP season....and I've been busy trying to put together the info that I will need for our upcoming IEP meeting. And to be totally honest, the last 2 blog posts (about dealing with the deaths of my mom & brother) really took a lot out of me emotionally. Thus I've been a total slacker in regards to the blog....but I promise I'll get back into the swing of things.

Trying to prepare for the IEP meeting and "plan ahead" for next year has been extremely difficult....the "powers that be" have been discussing possible budget cuts for the school district, which if those take place then it will have a HUGE impact on what will happen for our son. The budget cuts will factor in to what services will be provided, aide assignment, and a multitude of other things. Thus unlike other IEP's in the past, this one will have a lot of the "well if 'X' happens, then we'll have to go with option 'Y'" type of scenarios. This IEP meeting will consist of a lot of "well we don't know" type of remarks from the team.....stupid budget cuts!

Also, as I try to prepare for the IEP meeting, my mind attempts to wrap around the fact that there is only one year left of Middle School, then our focus will be on High School and what will be needed in regards to course work for "Taz" to meet all of the requirements in order to graduate with the rest of his classmates. fast as this year flew by, I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the next 4 years will fly by just as quickly.....and then what? What will happen next? Will Taz be able to attend college? Will he find a job? Will I have any sanity left after dealing with him going through puberty?

When he was younger, I really felt like I had more I knew what direction we were heading in & I was "Super Autism Mom", able to answer any question and/or take on any challenge that came our way.....which in some ways is funny to think about, because back then there wasn't even a slim fraction of the amount of info and so-called experts out there like there is now.  Holy cow, now there are a million different books, websites, blogs, facebook groups, experts, etc -- you name it, it's out there! But most of what I've found thus far has been geared at younger kids....not teens or soon-to-be adults. Where is the information that will help me & my teenage AI child?!?!

Now I feel lost at I'm just bobbing along on some wave, with no clue what lies ahead.....for all I know, I could crash into some jagged rock at any moment. The "what next?" and "what if?" thoughts are a bit scary.....and to be totally honest, I sort of envy those parents who have AI kids that are just starting out in Elementary school. They have so much time to prepare their kids for the "future" much more time to plan and try to make sure their kids are ready for the big cruel world. And I'm sure by the time their kids reach this age, there will be a ton of services and things available to help them and their parents. When Taz was younger, I felt like I really had my stuff together -- I knew it all, and what I didn't know I was able to quickly find answers for......but as we enter the unknown of puberty & High School.....I just feel lost and overwhelmed.

Ok, so while I stress myself out over the "what's next?" stuff.....what would you all like to hear about? I know I promised to go on a rant (blog) about family......and talk about other things we've done over the years that have helped Taz reach the level he's at now.....I'll blog about that stuff soon, I promise. But in the mean time....send me your questions, let me know what you'd like to hear about. On a side note to the freaky people who are in a foreign country still checking out this's about AUTISM, not anything if your not interested in reading about Autism, please go find some other blog to stalk.

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