Well, it's been a busy summer and I'm drawing a huge blank at the moment regarding what to write about.....there are so many issues we've dealt with over the years.....I'm not sure where to go from here. I know that I've touched on a variety of topics thus far: medication, meltdowns, puberty, dealing with the death of a loved one, IEP meetings, siblings, dealing with the school system, etc.
So, since I'm drawing a blank at the moment, I decided to create this topic/post....it appears as though there are folks who have visited this blog from all over the world. I'm not sure if you are looking for information regarding Autism, or if you stumbled upon this site by searching for freaky things? As I've mentioned before -- if you're a freak, please leave and do not return to this site/blog....I don't want to deal with freaks or perverts. If you are truly interested in finding out more information regarding Autism, then that is great.....feel free to visit often and/or become a follower of my blog.
OK, back to the topic.....I remember when we first began this journey called Autism, I felt a ton of different things.....overwhelmed, lost, confused, angry, scared, etc. -- but most of all, I felt alone. Yes it's true, I felt completely and utterly alone. I felt as though we were the only people on the planet dealing with Autism. The information, support groups, services, etc. just weren't available back then like they are today. But today....wow, talk about a sensory overload! It seems as though everywhere you look, you can find something -- a support group, a website, books, videos, information from a "professional".....not to mention the million different websites that promote "Autism Awareness", blogs, parent-created websites, facebook groups, etc. -- it's a bit overwhelming to say the least. Thus it's almost as bad, if not worse than what it was like when we began this journey.....why? Well, because it's almost too much information -- and it can be extremely overwhelming to someone who is just beginning this journey called Autism.
Yes I know, I'm rambling just a bit....back to the topic....I decided to give this topic (idea) a "test run" so to speak.....just like a child learning to walk, we all have to start with baby steps. Sometimes it's easier to ask another person who's been there --- so this is your chance -- if you have a question pertaining to Autism, please feel free to ask. I'll warn you right now, there are a few things I will NOT answer:
1. No, I will not post or share photos of Taz or any of my children. My real friends & family members who read this blog know who my kids are and have either met them in person or have seen photos, thus I will NOT share photos of my kids via the Internet with total strangers.....sorry, not gonna happen. Not now, not ever....too many weirdos out there. Perhaps that makes me a bit over-protective, but in this day and age one can never be too careful. And I'll tell you right now -- God help anyone who EVER tries to harm one of my kids in any way....because I'm a momma bear, and I WILL do whatever it takes to protect my kids. If some scumbag tries to hurt one of them, then said scumbag will deal with me....and trust me, it will not be pretty....and said scumbag won't have to worry about sitting in a jail cell when things are all said & done....nope, said scumbag will be in a body bag....'nuf said.
2. No, I will not provide details about anything that could be considered personal information. I use fake names of people/places for a reason (there's that protective momma bear thing again).....some of my followers know the "real" me, but they've all been sworn to secrecy. Seriously, you don't think my son's real name is "Taz" do you? Duh....ok then, no personal information or details will be given so don't ask. And to those who know the "real" us....keep your mouth shut or I'll put a foot in your ass, got it?! Good...next question
3. As the owner/author of this blog site, I reserve the right to decline and/or not answer any questions and/or comments.....if I'm not comfortable answering your question or you are a weirdo, then your question won't be answered and you will be reported for being a weirdo. If you have a legitimate question then I will do my best to answer it, and might even post it here so others can help with providing an answer as well.
So that's basically it....I'll give this a test run to see how it goes. If you have a question pertaining to Autism, feel free to ask. Please keep in mind, what works for one child might not work for another....each child on the Autism spectrum is unique. Some do well with medication, others do not. Things like ABA therapy or gluten free diets might work for some, but not others. Just as our AI kids work and learn each day, so do we as parents.....this journey is all about learning.
Well folks, that's all I've got for today....sorry if this has become dull and boring. As I said, it's been a busy summer.....and when I do have some relax time, I'd rather spend it watching the Olympics or some of my favorite TV shows like "Falling Skies" (dang isn't the actor who plays Tom Mayfield smokin' hot or what?! I loved him when he was on "ER" as Doctor Carter)....ok anyhow, time for me to go veg out for a while, it's been a very long day.
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