Well folks, I know it's been a while since my last post.....sorry about that. We've had a lot going on here and suffice to say, none of it has been "happy" stuff.
First for the big news -- the company my hubby worked for closed their doors for good on May 26th.....which means, hubby now has no job and we have zero income. The week after the company closed, hubby had to deal with vendors coming to pick up their stuff, the auction company, and a million other BS things -- the super crappy part -- he did NOT get paid for all of the work he did that week. Nope, nada -- not one cent.
We've spent this month trying to file for some type of assistance, food stamps, unemployment, etc. Have also spent the past week trying to keep from losing our home. Funny how companies you've dealt with for years suddenly become total assholes when they discover you have no income. And funny (said in a sarcastic way) how people who really NEED help have to jump through a million hoops and get treated like scum of the earth, yet people who abuse the system get money practically thrown at them. Yes I met a lot of system abusers this past week -- and several of them really pissed me off -- there was one in particular who is extremely lucky that I didn't punch her in the face.
Let me tell ya folks, even if you have a child with a disability and according to the state and/or federal laws, etc that child SHOULD qualify for certain programs because of their disability....do NOT fool yourself.....trying to actually qualify for said programs will be like trying to shove a watermelon through a garden hose.....it will NOT be an easy process. You will have to jump through a million different hoops, get treated like the scum of the earth, and get to the point where you want to just pull your hair out.....but stick with it, don't let the stress get to you and don't give up.
The stuff I have been through over the past 2 weeks has been pure hell. Seriously, this has been worse than any meltdown I've ever dealt with, and any IEP meeting I've ever had to attend! There have been days when I broke down in tears, days when I kept thinking this was all just some nightmare and I'd wake up at any moment.....as hard as it has been, I've pushed myself through and kept going. Why you ask? Well duh....because that's what we do when we are parents. We keep going, we keep fighting, we keep pushing through when things get tough. Failure is not an option -- giving up is not an option.
ASD parents are tough cookies -- we have the strength of a mighty oak tree, but yet are flexible like the weeping willow -- thus when the "storms" of life hit (and trust me they will), our strong roots will hold us firmly in place while we bend as needed to survive the storm.